5330-01-526-0126, 5330015260126 (Seal Bonded) - National Stock Number Lookup

NSN 5330-01-526-0126 of part number LP53-335, LP53-335, 300-335-8825-41 by the manufacturer, Bae Systems Gcs International Ltd, John Crane Ltd is in stock and ready to ship out. We make NSN parts purchasing as simple as possible. We list corresponding components such as 5330-01-526-0126 so that you can make the purchasing decision that is right for you. Our dedicated team are on hand to help source any-hard-find NSN parts or answer any procurement questions. We only source from manufacturers we trust and are the only independent distributor with a NO CHINA SOURCING policy. Unlike other companies, we pair every customer with a dedicated account manager. We respond to all RFQs within 15 minutes. Submit an RFQ today to get started.

5330-01-526-0126 NSN Information

Alternative NSN: 5330-01-526-0126
Item Name: Seal Bonded
FSG: 53 Hardware and Abrasives
Federal Supply Class (FSC): 5330 Packing and Gasket Materials
NIIN: 015260126
NCB Code: USA (01)
Manufacturers: Bae Systems Gcs International Ltd, John Crane Ltd

NSN 5330-01-526-0126 Manufacturing Part Numbers

Part No Manufacturer Item Name QTY RFQ
LP53-335 bae systems gcs international ltd seal bonded Avl RFQ
LP53-335 john crane ltd seal bonded Avl RFQ
300-335-8825-41 john crane ltd seal bonded Avl RFQ

Product Specification of NSN 5330015260126


NSN 5330-01-526-0126 - Similar National Stock Numbers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): NSN 5330-01-526-0126

What Is NSN 5330-01-526-0126?
  • The National Stock Number (NSN) 5330-01-526-0126 is associated with the item “Seal Bonded,” which is classified under the Federal Supply Class (FSC) 5330 Packing and Gasket Materials.
Who Are the Manufacturers Associated with NSN 5330-01-526-0126?
  • The manufacturers that are listed on our website for NSN 5330-01-526-0126 are Bae Systems Gcs International Ltd, John Crane Ltd.
Which Part Numbers are Available under NSN 5330-01-526-0126?
  • The list of part numbers for NSN 5330-01-526-0126 that we have in stock include LP53-335, 300-335-8825-41 and others, where you are always welcome to browse our selection at your leisure.
What NIIN Number Is Allocated to NSN 5330-01-526-0126?
  • The National Item Identification Number (NIIN) allocated to NSN 5330-01-526-0126 is 015260126, serving as the digits that come after the initial 4-digit Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) code. This unique identifier helps in tracking and cataloging the specific item within the NATO Codification System (NCS), as it consists of a two-digit NCB Code identifying the country that codified the item and a unique 7-digit string for identification.
What Is the NCB Code Associated with NSN 5330015260126?
  • A National Codification Bureau (NCB) code refers to a specific coding system used within NATO member countries for the identification of countries that first classify items. For NSN 5330015260126, the given NCB code is “USA (01),” indicating the country as the United States.
How Can I Request a Quote for Parts with NSN 5330-01-526-0126?
  • As every item listed on our website is available for purchase at any time, you are always welcome to submit an RFQ form to get started with purchasing items with the NSN 5330-01-526-0126 or any other NSN parts. Our quotation process is quick and effortless, with responses being provided within 15 minutes of us receiving and reviewing a completed form. Using the details you offer us, such as your budget, desired quantity, and expected fulfillment timeline, we will curate optimal fulfillment options for your consideration.

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